Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Speeding Ticket

I juat got my first speeding ticket yesterday. Just outside of Amarillo. Doing 79 in a 65. I will be 30 years old next month and just got my first ticket. Not that I never get stopped, I just always get off with a warning. I remember once going 65 in a 40 and STILL getting off with a warning. I knew the sheriff that pulled me over last night was NOT going to give me a warning, you could see it is his eyes, dollar signs for the teenie tiny town outside of Amarillo. I can't even remember the town name it was so small. I nearly made it 14 years of driving without ever getting a speeding ticket. Damn!


Jenny said...

I'll fess up to it... I'm less than a year older than you but I've five more speeding tickets than you!! Oh yeah, I've had six. Me and defensive driving are buddies!

Stephanie said...

Aww - you made it a long time!